OKLAHOMA (OBV) – The State of Oklahoma launched a new platform to help employers across the state find talented job candidates.
The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission launched EmployOklahoma.gov, the state’s new job-matching platform.
The website connects employers with skilled job seekers. It also provides important workforce service, including tools to help job-seekers create resumes and get matched to jobs.
Job candidates who create an EmployOklahoma.gov account can receive job matches through a dashboard linked to their account.
The new website replaces the state’s former job-matching website, OKJobMatch. Like the previous website, EmployOklahoma will host unemployment claims.
Individuals filing for unemployment must register on the new website, as was the case for the previous website.
OESC provided the following guidance to Oklahomans with questions about the new website:
- You may still file unemployment claims.
- Now that the new system is available, you will be required to complete your work registration within seven days. If you fail to complete your work registration within this time period, this will lead to a denial of your unemployment benefits.
- The new system will not affect the reporting or payment of existing unemployment insurance benefits.
- Reach out to our 27 Oklahoma Works American Job Centers if you have immediate questions. If you have questions regarding your unemployment insurance claim, please contact the UI Service Center at 405-525-1500.