OKLAHOMA CITY (OBV) – Gov. Kevin Stitt recently called for the creation of a task force that will aim to unlock student potential and unite Oklahoma’s workforce and education efforts.
Stitt issued Executive Order 2024-24, establishing the Human Potential for Future Industries Task Force.
The task force will work to drive substantial innovation in education, empowering Oklahoma students to discover their unique talents and help them develop the skills they will need to successfully enter a rapidly evolving, technologically-driven workforce.
“We’re building the best workforce in the nation, and that means reimagining education to focus more on real-world experience and individual strengths of students in preparation for tomorrow’s industry needs,” Stitt said. “Investing in Oklahomans always pays off, because it’s Oklahomans who make our state the best place to live, work, and raise a family. I grateful for Secretary Sanders’ incredible vision and dedication to education and to the future of the Oklahoma workforce.”
The task force is charged with the following objectives:
- Identifying tools to develop student talents early and align them with workforce opportunities.
- Researching and recommending ways to individualize and tailor curricula to the strength of the student while utilizing holistic teaching methodologies.
- Collaborating with industries, community organizations, and educational institutions for students to gain practical experiences, and define essential soft skills students need for future success.
- Expanding learning models by leaning into apprenticeships, internships, and other experiential learning opportunities.
- Evaluating teacher preparation by identifying upskilling needs within the teacher pipeline from K-12 through higher education.
The task force will focus on the following three core pillars:
- Discovery of Individual Potential: Launch initiatives to identify and cultivate the distinctive strengths and passions of every student statewide.
- Development of Essential Skills: Arm students with critical abilities such as creativity, critical thinking, resilience, and technological literacy, vital for success in future industries.
- Deployment of Talent: Forge pathways for students to apply their skills through immersive learning experiences, apprenticeships, and career-focused, strategic industry partnerships.
Oklahoma’s approach to education is at risk of becoming outdated, according to Secretary of Education Nellie Sanders, who will chair the task force.
“The current educational model isn’t built for the future, it’s barely built for the present,” Sanders said. “Our system isn’t tapping into the potential of every student, that’s what we’re setting out to change. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies can offer Oklahoma students a learning advantage. We’re going to explore ways to personalize curricula to interest, expand apprenticeship programs, and define universal soft skills so our students are ready to lead us into the future. Thanks to Governor Stitt’s leadership, we will discover, develop, and deploy human ingenuity across Oklahoma.”
The task force will make recommendations that promote individualized learning and growth within academics to the governor, legislators, schools and educational agencies. It will also give progress and policy recommendation updates to the governor, the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate on a quarterly basis.